Breathwork Edinburgh (Private Training Class)

Have you ever stopped to appreciate how amazing it is that we breathe automatically? But did you know that most of us breathe in ways that aren't great for our bodies?

Shallow, rapid or mouth breathing can cause stress, fatigue, digestion problems and even mess with our sleep. But don't worry, by learning how to breathe correctly, we can develop a life skill that can make a positive difference in our daily experience.

There are plenty of traditional and science-based techniques out there that can help us breathe better and even lead to meditation. Let's take a deep breath and get started!

  • In your initial consultation, your therapist will discuss your individual needs in order to create a bespoke treatment. Appointments last 60 minutes.

  • We recommend that you wear loose, comfortable clothing. Post-treatment, we recommend that you permit rest.

  • This depends on the nature of your issue and your response to treatment.


Breathwork Edinburgh Practitioners

ema johnston

Web and UX Designer specialising in Squarespace. Scotland, UK


Chinese Acupuncture Edinburgh: Registered Edinburgh Acupuncture Doctor


Adolescent, Children's & Teen Counselling Edinburgh: Psychotherapy Expert