Craniosacral Therapy
CranioSacral Therapy is a client-centred approach that evaluates and treats the CranioSacral System – the bones, membranes, and fluids surrounding the brain and spinal cord – which profoundly affects the nervous system.
This extremely gentle, yet powerful manual approach addresses the whole person, encouraging and enhancing the body’s natural tendency towards self-correction and healing. Central to this is the seeking out and treatment of causes rather than symptoms.
Craniosacral therapy is suitable for clients of all ages, from newborns to the elderly, and with a wide variety of causes of pain and dysfunction both physical and emotional in origin.
These treatment sessions are for adults and children.
In your initial consultation, your therapist will discuss your individual needs in order to create a bespoke treatment. Appointments last 60 minutes.
We recommend that you wear loose, comfortable clothing. Post-treatment, we recommend that you permit rest.
This depends on the nature of your issue and your response to treatment.