Massage, Bodywork, Pain Management ema johnston Massage, Bodywork, Pain Management ema johnston

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD, Dr Vodder) and Lymphoedema Care

Mulberry-based Practitioner Pascal offers a range of treatments to promote lymphatic health, such as lymphatic drainage, yin yoga, and complete lymphoedema therapy (CLT). It involves gentle, rhythmic, massage techniques involving pumping, circular, and spiral movements. These techniques help to improve the flow of lymph fluid throughout the body, promoting overall health.

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Massage, Bodywork, Chinese Medicine ema johnston Massage, Bodywork, Chinese Medicine ema johnston

Chinese Tuina Massage Edinburgh

Tuina massage is a form of bodywork that is considered to be the oldest system of its kind. Based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, it targets specific acupoints using fingers to relieve pain and illness caused by imbalances or blockages of the body's vital energy, or qi. Learn more about this ancient practice and how it can benefit you.

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