Massage, Bodywork, Chinese Medicine ema johnston Massage, Bodywork, Chinese Medicine ema johnston

Chinese Tuina Massage Edinburgh

Tuina massage is a form of bodywork that is considered to be the oldest system of its kind. Based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, it targets specific acupoints using fingers to relieve pain and illness caused by imbalances or blockages of the body's vital energy, or qi. Learn more about this ancient practice and how it can benefit you.

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Children's Health, The Key Clinic ema johnston Children's Health, The Key Clinic ema johnston

The Key Clinic

The Key Clinic offer precision-therapies which help children and adults thrive by targeting the root causes of difficulties.

Their highly targeted, evidence-based therapies help to optimise functioning, removing barriers that prevent people from achieving their full potential. Many clients report game-changing results as they and their children begin to thrive.

The Key Clinic support people with a wide range of concerns - from learning and behavioural problems such as dyslexia, ADHD or dyspraxia, to mental health problems such as anxiety and depression through to physical health conditions, such as hormone dysregulation (peri-menopause/menopause); cardio-metabolic issues, gut dysfunction or sleep difficulties.

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Bodywork, Pain Management ema johnston Bodywork, Pain Management ema johnston

Yin Lymph Flow Movement 1:1

Yin yoga and Qi Gong inspired on the mat sessions, tapping into the slow flow of the lymphatic system.
Guiding you through a gentle flow of mix movement, creating space in the connective tissue, connecting breath, body, and mind.
These tailored sessions are designed to give you space to focus on your body and your wellbeing with intention and attention.

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